Best Poster Prizes Generously contributed by the Royal Society of Chemistry (PCCP & CrystEngCommun), Computation, and Crystals
The prizes were determined by a vote of all delegates at the poster session and the ballot counts was performed by three of the organizing committee who were observed by three neutral observers (not co-authors of any posters) from the registered delegates.
Tim Wilson Colorado School of Mines (USA) |
Gradient bundle analysis — Full volumetric charge density behavior in a single plot
by Tim Wilson, Amanda Morgenstern, Mark Eberhart |
Hannah Camille Richardson richahan Oregon State University (USA) |
Pinpointing origins of selectivity with dimensionally reduced electron density
by H. Camille Richardson, Alex C. Brueckner, Daniel M. Walden, Ronald L. Cook, Paul Ha-Yeon Cheong |
Lázaro A. Monteserín Castanedo lamonteserincastan Mount Saint Vincent University (Canada) |
On the thermodynamic stability and the natural selection of canonical nucleosides in the prebiotic evolution of lifebyLázaro A. Monteserín Castanedo, Chérif F. Matta |
FOURTH PRIZE (REPEAT): Rumpa Pal University of Bremen (Germany) |
Total X-ray wavefunction refinement
by Rumpa Pal, Emanuel Hupf, Lorraine A. Malaspina, Dylan Jayatilaka, Simon Grabowsky |
FOURTH PRIZE (REPEAT): Malavikha Rajivmoorthy mrajivmoorthy Colorado School of Mines (USA) |
The chemistry of transition metal structure
by Malavikha Rajivmoorthy, Tim Wilson, Mark E. Eberhart |